Workshop B: Highlighting the Value of EEGs as Translational Tools in Neuropsychiatry & Beyond

Time: 9:00 am
day: Pre-Conf Day B


From efficacy to target engagement to pharmacodynamics, this workshop will delve into the wide range of possibilities that EEG biomarkers offer in the field of neuropsychiatry. Furthermore, it will explore the additional data gained from implementing EEGs in neurodevelopmental disorders, such as Angelman Syndrome and ADHD.

Join this workshop to:

  • Discuss how EEG can be implemented as a relevant biomarker in neuropsychiatric drug development and to gain additional real-word data
  • Investigate the common symptoms and underlying mechanisms shared by neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders, such as increased delta waves or thalamo-cortical deficits, which can be studied using EEG biomarker techniques
  • Highlight advancements in EEG hardware and the development of standardized headsets which can be deployed across multiple sites
