Snezana Milanovic

Company: Sumitomo Pharma America, Inc.
Job title: Senior Director, TMED & Early Development
Panel Discussion | Moving the Gold Standard Beyond Subjective Mood Scales & Evaluating the Potential of Surrogate Endpoints 10:15 am
What are the right endpoints to use in indications, such as substance use disorder, where a defined mood scale is not clear? Critically evaluating the value of Hamilton and MADRS scales: are there different, more objective ways of tracking the severity of various psychological illnesses? Are we close to having a surrogate in psychiatry with…Read more
day: Conference Day 2 AM
Roundtable Discussion | Generating Additional Data Beyond Questionnaire & Mood Scale Ratings to Objectively Identify Patient Subtypes 2:00 pm
More practical and highly interactive breakout roundtables where attendees can crowd-source solutions and share opinions around pre-assigned topic areas. Selection based on: Genetic Profiling | EEGs | Digital Biomarkers What are the hesitancies to additional data collection and what will it take to implement in large scale clinical practice? Moderator Feedback & Audience Debate Moderators…Read more
day: Track 2: Translational & Clinical
Unlocking the Potential of Digital Biomarkers to Overcome Biological Variability of Mood & Behaviour & Drive More Reliable Patient Selection 11:00 am
Emphasizing the clinical value of objective and continuous measurements with wearable sensors Challenges and pitfalls in developing minimal burden portable biomarker assessment tools Selecting the right digital measures to identify and enrich patient population and generate Phase 1 through Phase 3 data Capturing trait and/or state digital markers: the value of longitudinal assessments from Phase…Read more
day: Track 2 AM Day 1
Workshop B: Highlighting the Value of EEGs as Translational Tools in Neuropsychiatry & Beyond 9:00 am
From efficacy to target engagement to pharmacodynamics, this workshop will delve into the wide range of possibilities that EEG biomarkers offer in the field of neuropsychiatry. Furthermore, it will explore the additional data gained from implementing EEGs in neurodevelopmental disorders, such as Angelman Syndrome and ADHD. Join this workshop to: Discuss how EEG can be…Read more
day: Pre-Conf Day B