Roundtable Discussion | Identifying New Windows of Opportunity for Next-Generation Targets in Depression, Bipolar, PTSD & More

Time: 2:00 pm
day: Track 1: Discovery & Preclinical


More practical and highly interactive breakout roundtables where attendees can crowd-source solutions and share opinions around pre-assigned topic areas.

Schizophrenia (presented by Nina Dedic) | Other Indications (presented by Gerard Marek)

Are there any specific targets showing success in early studies?

What are the most promising tools available to aid discovery of new targets?

What are understudied aspects of the brain and that are limiting us?

Moderator Feedback & Audience Debate

Moderators will be assigned to each roundtable to facilitate discussion and collate the findings. Following the roundtable discussions, they will present back to the entire delegation and open wider audience debate.
